
How To Keep Starlings Away From Feeders

It's no secret that Starlings are invasive in the United States and other parts of North America. They are aggressive toward other birds and usually crusade more than harm than adept.

We take gathered the all-time humane tips on how to become rid of starlings fast so you can get some rest and enjoy the nature around y'all.

1. Switch up the bird feed

Another stride of a starling removal process would be feeding the birds that you practice want to attract in your garden food that these aggressive pocket-size birds don't like.

Due to their anatomy, starlings are equipped with softer bills compared to the rest of seed eaters.

This means that they can't eat things like in-shell peanuts and sunflower (also with the shell on). To get rid of grackles and starlings, yous can also feed your other birds' safflower.

bird feed

This type of nutrient is loved by a broad range of other species, from chickadees to cardinals, but information technology just so happens that starlings loathe information technology.

If y'all have ever seen a starling yourself, you probably know how its beak looks. It is long and pointy, and then the bird will take a peculiarly hard time grabbing small seeds such as nyjer.

On the other hand, nyjer is popular with finches, quail, buntings, doves, towhees, and the occasional woodpecker.

2. Use starling-proof bird feeders

How to keep starlings abroad from my bird feeder? That is a common question, but the truth is that rather than trying to DIY a construction around the feeder, you would be amend off getting a starling proof bird feeder right off the bat.

You can, notwithstanding, install an on-guard for your tube feeders and effectively turn them into starling proof feeders.

The baby-sit should exist made of wire and should permit small birds to reach inside without letting the starlings reach the seeds with their long beaks. Since this species can effectively bully birds, you could get a squirrel-proof model that comes with an adaptable baffle.


Even infant starling birds volition have a hard time feeding if the guard is placed right above the holes where the seeds can be grabbed from.

Another tip on how to get rid of starlings at feeders is to build or purchase an upside-down suet feeder. Even though it is non failproof, this blazon of pattern volition also brand it more challenging for this invasive species to feed.

Some products come with a motorized perch ring, which automatically starts spinning when it detects a heavier weight, whether that is of a squirrel or of a bigger bird, such as a starling. If you pick this option, you lot volition also see fewer starlings at bird feeders on your belongings.

three. Install spikes on starling roosting areas

Earlier you look for ways of alluring starling predators to your holding, you lot should know that installing spikes on your branches, the sides of your roof, and other such places, can be quite an constructive manner of deterring this invasive species.

Non only will the spikes get rid of starlings birds, but they will too deter other pests, whether they are larger birds such as pigeons or even mammals such equally rats and raccoons.

Well-nigh of the spike structures currently available for auction are made of stainless steel, which means that they aren't going to leave rust spots wherever you install them.

bird spikes

Plus, the spikes are placed so close together that fifty-fifty a mouse would accept a difficult time getting out of the labyrinth one time it goes within.

On the other hand, bird spikes have the advantage of assuasive smaller birds to reach their food sources from the top. Instead of getting defenseless in the structure, they will simply wing through or over it and get to the seed they need.

Furthermore, most bird spikes are outfitted with agglutinative tape, which means that you don't have to drill holes into your roof or the trunks of the trees you have in your orchard.

4. Try falcon bird deterrent kite

When it comes to what eats starlings, falcons and hawks are two of the major species. You can use this information to your advantage to get rid of grackles and starlings and get a falcon bird kite.

Bird deterrent kite blazon of production is an ingenious way to deter starlings equally it resembles the physical appearance of the predator.

Y'all could compare it to a scarecrow, but the major difference between the two is that, when installed properly, the kite effectively imitates the moves of the hawk or falcon in the air.

Such a starling repellent is safe for everyone and most of the models you will come across are designed and painted in natural colors.

flying kite with bird design

The wings and talons add to the realism of the item, so information technology works every bit a perfect decoy for your garden and orchard.

We advise you to pick the well-nigh durable falcon kite you lot tin can afford every bit if you want to apply it no matter the season, it needs to be h2o and tear-resistant (to withstand heavy air current).

For the best results, you tin can even install several across your property. They volition give you lot the reassurance that you'll take no starlings nesting effectually your home or crops.

Plus, the falcon kite can be used by the whole family for a fun day spent in the backyard.

v. Install a scarecrow

A very traditional fashion of getting rid of starlings is to install a scarecrow. But there's one caveat when information technology comes to how to proceed starlings away using this method.

The black starling bird or whatsoever other subspecies, for that matter, doesn't really react to the standard scarecrows that tin be found in cornfields, for example.

This means that using one that resembles a person isn't as effective every bit you might tend to recollect.

What does piece of work, still, is to get a 'scarecrow' that looks similar one of this species' predators. For example, placing an owl decoy next to a starling bird house tin deter the population in a timely fashion.

owl decoy

Most of the decoys that nosotros came across offer the best results when they are combined with sounds and moves.

That's why some units are outfitted with an internal machinery that makes the imitation owl'southward caput motion every bit if information technology were a existent one.

Ideally, y'all should wait for a decoy that has a pocket-size solar panel fitted somewhere in its construction so that the bombardment doesn't always run out.

Since the scarecrows that also emit predator sounds are rare, pairing them with an ultrasound bird repeller is the right way of going almost things.

vi. Use ultrasound starling repellent

Getting an ultrasound starling repellant can definitely help with keeping starlings away, but you do have to make sure that you set the right audio frequency for the species.

But there are several different designs out there. Some volition emit a specific frequency, making the birds disoriented, confused, or downright frightened. Others might come with a diverseness of other sounds, not just the sound shock per se.

Go on in heed that some sound frequencies tin can be damaging for other species, and then you might inadvertently deter them, too, not just the starlings and grackles. These repellents also take a working range.

pest deterrent

Some of the better ones can cover upwardly to vi,500 square anxiety, the boilerplate models can embrace up to 3,500 square anxiety, while the less capable (and usually more affordable ones) tin encompass simply upward to 800-900 foursquare feet.

When it comes to how to get rid of starling birds using a repellent that doesn't boast ultrasound capabilities, you could go a unit of measurement that emits 2 types of sound — either a sound fabricated by the same species (a starling distress call) or a telephone call that one of their most common predators makes.

Falcons and hawks tin can grab starlings in flight, for instance, but so can eagles and at nighttime, owls. If they hear these sounds, starlings are less likely to roost or nest on your property.

7. Remove starling nesting options

Why are starlings bad and why are they so difficult to get rid of?

Well, discouraging starlings can be difficult because they're cavity nesters, so you lot might not even notice when they've created a nest in a vent or any other small-sized opening y'all might accept around your house.

Earlier even realizing it, you'll have a whole starling population on your belongings. Exercise good starling control past making sure that you do not accept any openings on your walls or around your home that are larger than 1.5 inches in diameter.

To deter these aggressive birds in the grand, orchard, or garden, even your birdhouses should take entrance holes that are smaller than 1.v inches.

house with a green yard

Although we wouldn't necessarily recommend this, people have the choice of starting an active starling assault on their ain by removing their nests and even destroying their eggs.

If your home has any vents, open pipes, or any other holes that are larger than 1.five inches and that could be used for nesting, cover them with tape.

You also have the option of installing mesh wire on the surface of the holes and so that the starlings can't get inside and lay their eggs at that place.

eight. Remove all food sources

Every bit much as you might beloved wild birds, you should practice good starlings control if y'all want to keep your garden and orchard in top shape.

This species is extremely versatile and it tin adapt with ease, meaning it tin even end up eating your dog'due south nutrient if you leave it outside.

To get rid of starlings, you should assemble windfall fruits and discard them and so that they can't munch on them. Cover your fruit trees with netting so that the birds take no possibility of attacking them.

Moreover, starlings can even eat compost pile scraps if they have cipher else bachelor, which is why you should remove or cover them as all-time as possible.

If you don't want to stop feeding other types of birds, install a number of starling proof bird feeders, just make sure that you clean beneath them on a regular basis.

Starlings tend to alive in large flocks, and then if you hear simply ane starling bird call, it's time to human activity.

Remove annihilation that might provide them with sustenance, from cracked corn and sunflower kernels to shelled peanuts, millet, mealworms, or any other blazon of human being food (including bread).

They can even swallow suet and kitchen scraps if they accept to. Remove all of these for the best results.

9. Prune trees

Whether yous have decorative or fruit trees in your garden or orchard, a good mode to discourage starlings would exist to prune them.

Reducing co-operative density is the solution, in this case, as starlings are known to experience uncomfortable in areas that are more than open and that could make them vulnerable to potential predators.

However, this method is not risky for a variety of other bird species that either roost on their own or in pocket-sized flocks. They'll still feel condom in a pruned tree.

One matter that's worth noting about this tip is that information technology might not work if you only have a small population of starlings.

cutting a tree

On the other hand, it's extremely effective for larger flocks as they volition most probable go away on their own if they have no food bachelor and they're supposed to wait for it and roost in open space.

Furthermore, if they don't observe whatsoever room for starling roosting in your trees, the birds volition get creative and even try to utilise dense bushes and shrubs.

They will even use those for nesting if they have to, so try to clip everything at the beginning of the year, before the birds offset building nests.

10. Install a motion-activated sprinkler

Another tip on how to scare starlings abroad would be for you lot to apply several sprinklers beyond your thousand or garden. They do demand to exist motion-activated, though, equally they will start working just when they detect that a critter is in their operating range.

With this method, you'll both solve your starling trouble and also make sure that your flowers and plants are watered properly, without you having to make any effort in this sense.

While the process doesn't remove any of the starlings' nestings since they're known to be cavity nesters, it will deter the adults and forbid them from creating homes across your property.

water sprinkler

Furthermore, this option is non-toxic, so it doesn't impale the birds. There are a multifariousness of motion-activated sprinklers available these days, all of which can assist to get rid of European starlings.

Most offer 24-hr protection and they can cover up to 70-100 feet in diameter, covering over 3,000 foursquare feet in a circle.

On peak of everything, the bulk of models aren't activated by strong winds, giving you peace of listen that they volition be activated each time a critter ends upward in their operating range. Therefore, your water bill isn't going to exist significantly affected by them.

11. Exam out a bird shock tape

To keep starlings away, you tin also rely on bird fences and bird shock tapes. The about important do good offered by these two starling deterrents is that they can be used most your dwelling.

They tin be installed on anything from parapets and ledges to beams, signs, your windows, and even your pipes.

We wouldn't recommend setting them upwards on your starling proof suet feeder, though, as there's no way of knowing whether they aren't going to deter other bird species, too.

Most daze tapes are peel and stick, and then they can be easily attached to the structure of your selection. They emit a stupor that makes the birds fly away and fast.

four starlings

If yous take fruit copse or fruit bushes in your garden and you desire to protect them against birds, whether starlings, blackbirds, pigeons, gulls, or crows, you'll be happy to know that you tin use bird shock tape on PVC pipes, too, for electric perches for grapes and berries.

You can fifty-fifty forestall the birds from making a starlings nest on your taller copse if yous attach the tape using plastic ties.

As for the power source of the tape, you lot can either utilize a solar charger or a standard bird shock charger. Plus, the shock record is usually clear, so the birds can't see it from a altitude.

12. Install a wire mesh

Another tip on how to get rid of starlings is to use wire mesh to cover your fruit copse and the rest of your crops.

If you've recently get the owner of a farm, this might not exist something you might know, but wire mesh is extremely effective, peculiarly when it comes to deterring a variety of critters, from opossums and raccoons to gophers and starling birds.

European and American starlings rely on insects as a part of their diet, so if you were to use mesh and an insecticide or another kind of pest control, you lot'd get rid of the flocks of starlings in no fourth dimension.

metal fence

Installing wire mesh tin also be done on your starling proof suet feeders, specially if it has slightly bigger holes that volition allow smaller birds to swallow it.

The ideal starling deterrent mesh is galvanized and rust-proof so that information technology doesn't leave any marks wherever you choose to install it.

Equally basic equally it might seem, wire mesh tin can help you lot protect your vegetables and blossom beds against rodents, which tin feed on their plant parts or even their roots.

It will ensure that the latter or the rhizomes or bulbs of any other crops are kept safe from tunneling animals, too.

13. Trap and release

For about people who love nature, killing starlings is not the solution to their starlings' trouble, no affair the amount of damage they might do.

Moreover, in some states, this can exist illegal, so nosotros don't recommend trying to get rid of starlings by decimating the population.

However, y'all can use starling trapping, especially if y'all oasis't noticed more than several such birds on your property. The method isn't failproof and it doesn't work if there is a large flock living effectually your home or farm.

bird house

Besides, using a humane starling trap tin make matters complicated for you lot since yous also take to dispose of the bird subsequently on, preferably in an expanse located at a significant altitude from its flock.

A typical bird trap made for starlings, sparrows, small woodpeckers, bluebirds, and a variety of other species, works thank you to an inner spring-loaded mechanism.

Whenever a bird gets inside, the door volition automatically shut. If y'all check the trap every day, y'all'll hear a starling noise that will tell you that information technology's fourth dimension to get rid of the bird somewhere other than your property.

To remove the bird from the inside of the trap, you usually have to release the bottom and capture it into a bag.

14. Scare starlings with reflection

Relying on a bird repellent scare tape is another manner to keep starlings away, simply it's not the best when information technology comes to getting rid of starlings at bird feeders every bit the product deters all bird species without making a difference between starlings and any other.

Even so, fruit trees and plants can be adequately protected using this method, and the slap-up affair about most reflective tapes is that they can be conveniently fastened to whatsoever surface.

You tin set them upward on railings, decks, garden fences, and fifty-fifty on the fruit trees themselves.

Furthermore, about reflective tapes out there are metallic and thick, so even if the birds exercise cease up touching them, they will emit a slight dissonance deterrent that can scare them abroad.

With this method, you aren't going to exist seeing whatsoever starling birdhouse or hearing whatever starling sounds on your belongings.

Not simply will this type of product teach you how to go rid of starlings from feeders for other species, but it will do the aforementioned for geese, gawks, squirrels, seagulls, pigeons, and even woodpeckers and raccoons.

Needless to say, a bird repellent scare record can be a lifesaver for a farmer, especially one that lives off their crops.

15. Call a professional

If you don't want to deal with whatsoever hassle involving the presence of starling bird houses on your property, seeing starlings roosting in your copse, or even hearing any starling bird sounds, using the services of a professional will salvage yous a lot of time and try.

If you have tried all of the methods that we have mentioned in the article to get rid of the starlings' invasive bird species, the chances are that at least 1 of them might have worked.

On the other hand, if y'all accept a large flock on your property, it's besides possible that none of them could be effective.

Critter control services tin use the method that y'all prefer.

Some can decimate the birds using specific substances, but if you lot would rather go for a no-kill option, you tin ask them to trap and remove them far abroad from your domicile or farm.

Plus, a professional can requite you valuable pieces of advice for handling a potential invasion in the future, particularly if yous have nooks and crannies in your house design where the birds might tend to nest.

Critter control services can too tell you what the right starling exclusion method is for your type of property.


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