
How To Keep Baby Cool In Hot Weather At Night

The safest temperature for your baby'due south room is between 16 and twenty degrees C (NHS 2022a). But when it's very hot exterior, y'all may demand to take extra measures to go along your babe cool while he sleeps.

What should my baby habiliment at night when it's hot?

Information technology's important to make sure your infant doesn't become besides hot when the weather is warm. The key thing is to use calorie-free bedding and apparel (Lullaby Trust nd). If you use a sleeping bag, check the label to make sure y'all're using the right tog for the season (Lullaby Trust nd). Make sure your baby'south sleeping purse is safe and comfortable.

If your infant is wearing a nappy, vest and sleepsuit, he'll only need a canvas or a low tog sleeping bag every bit bedding in warm weather condition (NHS 2022a). If he notwithstanding seems hot, information technology'southward fine for him to sleep in just his vest or even his nappy. If you co-slumber with your baby, the aforementioned advice applies, but brand sure your own bedding is well abroad from him at all times.

If yous can, open up windows and doors in several rooms to let a through-breeze (Lullaby Trust nd).

Top tips for napping

Your baby needs between ii and four naps a solar day in his first yr. Find out more about naps with these top tips. More infant videos

What else can I practise to keep my babe cool?

At that place are lots of things yous can exercise to help keep your babe comfortable:

  • Proceed a thermometer in his room, so you can keep an eye on the temperature.
  • Make certain your baby's cot or Moses basket isn't placed in a shaft of direct sunlight (NHS 2022).
  • Put his pram in the shade when you're out and about (NHS 2022).
  • Use a prune-on parasol or sunshade. Never cover the pram with a blanket or cloth as it tin can make the inside of the pram very hot, very quickly (Lullaby Trust nd). If the pram is uncovered, you can too encounter your babe and know that he's OK.
  • Keep his bedroom cool by closing the curtains or blinds during the mean solar day (NHS 2022b).
  • If you're driving long distance and your baby is in a automobile seat, stop regularly and take him out (Lullaby Trust nd).
  • Effort using a fan in the room your baby sleeps in but don't point it directly at your baby (Lullaby Trust nd). If you go on the door and window airtight, using a fan may really brand the room hotter, so continue the door and window open if you can.

Our infant slumber infographic is packed with useful advice, from how many layers your baby needs to wear at nighttime, to tips on checking if he's too hot.


Lullaby Trust nd. Baby summer safety. [Accessed November 2022]

NHS. 2022. Sunscreen and sun safety. [Accessed November 2022]

NHS. 2022a. Reduce the chance of sudden infant expiry syndrome (SIDS). www.nhs.u.k. [Accessed November 2022]

NHS. 2022b. How can I keep my infant safe during hot conditions? [Accessed November 2022]

Joanne Lewsley

Joanne Lewsley is a freelance copywriter and editor, and specialises in creating evidence-based parenting, health and lifestyle spider web content.


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